Confluence mobile app

Stay connected to your team's work with the Confluence mobile app. No matter whether you have an iPhone, iPad, Android phone, or Android tablet, we've got you covered when you're away from your desk.

What you'll need

Confluence requirements

In order for your users to try the Confluence Server mobile app, you will need to:

Device requirements

In order to use the app, your users will need a device with either:

Users will need to log in to use the app, even if your site allows anonymous users.

Considerations for administrators

Here are some things to consider when determining whether your users will be able to use the app.

VPN and firewalls

If your Confluence site is not accessible on the public internet, users will need to connect their device to your network or virtual private network (VPN) in order to use the app.

We recommend providing your users with step-by-step instructions on how to connect to your VPN when you let them know the mobile app is available, as this is something Atlassian Support will not be able to help them with.  

The mobile app will also attempt to check the compatibility of your site prior to presenting the login screen. If you've configured a custom filter to prevent unauthenticated requests to your server, you will need to change it to allow <confluence-base-url>/server-info.action to pass through without authentication. 

HTTPS and certificate requirements

In the latest version of the iOS and Android apps, you can connect to the app using either HTTP or HTTPS.

If you're using HTTPS your proxy must allow TLS 1.2 traffic. This is an iOS requirement that we've chosen to implement for both the iOS and Android apps to prevent confusion (for example where one device can log in, and another cannot).

Ideally, your certificate should be from a trusted Certificate Authority. If you have certificate that is self-signed, or from an unknown Certificate Authority (for example, you are your own CA), users may still be able to use the app by manually installing your certificate on their device. See our Knowledge base article for more information on how to do this. 

Login and authentication

The app supports all common Confluence user management configurations, including external user directories and SAML single sign-on. Users will need to sign in to use the app, even if your site allows anonymous access.  

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

We do not currently support any mobile device management (MDM) or app management solutions. 

Marketplace apps, themes, and visual customizations

The mobile app provides a simple, lightweight way for users to view, create, edit and collaborate on pages. Complex interactions, including those provided by Marketplace apps, such as blueprints, calendars, workflows will not be available in the app. Some third party macros may be available, depending on whether the third-party app supports rendering these macros on mobile. 

Any theming or look and feel customizations you've made to your site will not be reflected in the mobile app. 

Confluence requirements

In order for your users to try the Confluence Server mobile app, you will need to:

Device requirements

In order to use the app, your users will need a device with either:

Users will need to log in to use the app, even if your site allows anonymous users.

Considerations for administrators

Here are some things to consider when determining whether your users will be able to use the app.

VPN and firewalls

If your Confluence site is not accessible on the public internet, users will need to connect their device to your network or virtual private network (VPN) in order to use the app.

We recommend providing your users with step-by-step instructions on how to connect to your VPN when you let them know the mobile app is available, as this is something Atlassian Support will not be able to help them with.  

The mobile app will also attempt to check the compatibility of your site prior to presenting the login screen. If you've configured a custom filter to prevent unauthenticated requests to your server, you will need to change it to allow <confluence-base-url>/server-info.action to pass through without authentication. 

HTTPS and certificate requirements

In the latest version of the iOS and Android apps, you can connect to the app using either HTTP or HTTPS.

If you're using HTTPS your proxy must allow TLS 1.2 traffic. This is an iOS requirement that we've chosen to implement for both the iOS and Android apps to prevent confusion (for example where one device can log in, and another cannot).

Ideally, your certificate should be from a trusted Certificate Authority. If you have certificate that is self-signed, or from an unknown Certificate Authority (for example, you are your own CA), users may still be able to use the app by manually installing your certificate on their device. See our Knowledge base article for more information on how to do this. 

Login and authentication

The app supports all common Confluence user management configurations, including external user directories and SAML single sign-on. Users will need to sign in to use the app, even if your site allows anonymous access.  

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

We do not currently support any mobile device management (MDM) or app management solutions. 

Marketplace apps, themes, and visual customizations

The mobile app provides a simple, lightweight way for users to view, create, edit and collaborate on pages. Complex interactions, including those provided by Marketplace apps, such as blueprints, calendars, workflows will not be available in the app. Some third party macros may be available, depending on whether the third-party app supports rendering these macros on mobile. 

Any theming or look and feel customizations you've made to your site will not be reflected in the mobile app. 

Screenshot: Error that appears when a macro is not rendered in Confluence mobile

Administrators can disable Confluence mobile on your site

If you're not able to use the mobile app or mobile web, it may be because your administrator has disabled one or both of the following system apps:

Confluence Server for Android

Here's what you'll get, and what you can do in the app:

Limitations and known issues

Confluence Server for iOS

Confluence Server for iOS is a universal app for iPhone and iPad, so you can choose the best device for the job. If you'd rather not create and edit pages on your iPhone, switch over to your iPad and take advantage of the larger screen and keyboard. You can also use split view on iPad and work side by side with other apps.

Here's what you'll get, and what you can do in the app:

Limitations and known issues

Customizing push notifications

Push notifications are a great way to stay in the loop, as they appear on your device, even when you're not using the app. Tap the notification, and be taken straight into the app.

There are three notification levels, 'All activity', 'Activity for me', and 'None'. iOS users also have an additional 'Custom' option, where they can turn off individual notifications.  

Here's a summary of common Confluence actions, and whether a push notification is sent. 

Push notification setting
Action All activity Activity for me None
Someone mentions you
Someone shares a page / blog post with you
Someone assigns a task to you
Someone comments on a page / blog post you're watching
Someone comments on a page / blog post you created
Someone replies to your comment
Someone likes a page / blog post you created
Someone likes your comment or your reply
Someone likes a page / blog post you're watching
Someone invites you to edit a page / blog post
Someone edits a page / blog post / comment

If you're using the iOS app, choose 'Custom' to further tailor your notifications, and turn off any of the following notifications individually:

Good to know

